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Feb 12 - Apr 13, 2023
Feb 23
| Community, Horticulture
Seed Swap
Whether you are a plant expert, someone testing your green thumb for the first time, or find yourself somewhere in between, all community members are invited to…
Mar 9
| Community
Intro to Birding Webinar with Tod Winston
Join our friends from NYC Audubon for an educational session on bird watching. The free webinar, Intro to Birding with Tod Winston, will cover basic birding techniques…
Party in the Park
Mark your calendars: Madison Square Park Conservancy’s Party in the Park is returning this year on March 28!
“Havah…to breathe, air, life” Reflection Board
Since its opening, Shahzia Sikander’s Havah…to breathe, air, life has prompted viewers to reflect on questions surrounding women and justice. Stop by the park from…
Apr 11
| Community, Horticulture
Patterns in the Park: The Magic of Nature’s Math
A celebration of math, science, and natural phenomena.
This is Your Park
As an independent non-profit, we rely entirely on the support of our community to keep our park clean and green for everyone to enjoy. Become a Mad. Friend, join our Art Council, or learn about other ways to give to your park today.