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Lawns Closed Today
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Lawns Open    Lawns Closed

Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Our Supporters

Rosebud Blooms
Our Supporters
The generous support of our community provides the foundation for our park's maintenance, operations, exhibitions, and free public programs.

We thank these individuals and organizations for their contributions to our urban oasis.
$500,000 +
Sasha and Edward Bass

$100,000 - $499,999
Adams & Company Real Estate
Biscuit Filmworks LLC
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Michael Chung
Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Girlfriend Fund
The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation
JDX Studio De Yan/Home Goods
Michael Kahn
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York Life Insurance Company
Regal Bancorp Inc
Ruth Stanton Foundation
Sarah Stein-Sapir
Terra Foundation for American Art
Tiffany & Co.

$50,000 - $99,999
212 Fifth Avenue
Always Smiling Productions
Bloomberg LP
CBRE, Inc.
Erica Desai
Jessica Distelburger
Ms. Roxanne Frank
Genesis House
Agnes Gund
Hauser & Wirth
Jack Shainman Gallery
Karlitz & Company
Kew Management
Robert Lapidus
Robert Lee
Lenore G. Tawney Foundation
Michael Li
Richard Li
Leslie Spira Lopez
Sean MacIsaac
Marino Management
Matthew Marks Gallery, LLC
Audrey and Danny Meyer
The National Endowment for the Arts
Mr. Ron Pizzuti
Sean Kelly Gallery
Seattle Foundation
Jessica Silverman
Sony Corporation of America
Hilary Spann
Stairway Fund
YS Kim Foundation

$10,000 - $49,999
15 Madison Square Park Condominium
225 Fifth Avenue Condominium
Abel Mccallister Abel LLC
ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC
The Achelis and Bodman Foundation
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Mr. Nicholas Athanail
John Atwater
Bagri Foundation
Ritu and Ajay Banga
Bank of America Charitable Gift Foundation
John Barry
Beam Suntory
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Zachary Bialobos
Bilt Technologies
Shira Blumenthal
Boston Consulting
The Boston Foundation
Brooklyn Nets LLC
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Bunny Burson
Jenny Caliendo
Candex Solutions
Jung Chai
Raymond Chan
Charina Endowment Fund
Eunu Chun
Heg Chung
Lauren Cipicchio
Mrs. Jennifer Clay
Cushman & Wakefield
Ms. Sheila Davidson
Deborah Buck Foundation
Delicato Vineyards
Laura Desmarais
Disney Worldwide Services
Eagle Cliff Real Estate Partners
Jennifer Egan
The Empathy Fund
Englander Philanthropic Fund
Enlightened Hospitality Group
Fiserv Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. Nicole & Michael Fox
Gagosian Gallery
George Comfort & Sons, Inc.
Bastian Germer
GFP Real Estate LLC
Becky Gochman
The Goergen Foundation, Inc.
Diego Gomez
Jude Gorman
Terry Goulard
Meredith Grossman
Jordana Grunfeld
Hayden Harman
Helen Frankenthaler Foundation
William Hess
David & Elizabeth Hirsh
Hunter PR
ICONIQ Capital
IDEKO Production
Stephanie & Tim Ingrassia
Sandy Inn-Schulke
Cheryl James
Jones Lang LaSalle
Karen Kelso
Linda Kim
Simon Kim
LA Louver Gallery
Bonnie Lance
LDV Hospitality
MiYoung Lee
David Lee
Edward Lee
Noel Leicht
Leon Levy Foundation
Let It Ripple
Liu Family Fund
George Loening
Mr. William Lukashok
Neil Luthra
Marian Goodman Gallery, Inc.
Dr. Elaine Martin
Larry Mathews
Mayer Brown LLP
John Meadow
Anthony Meier
Merkley and Partners
James Mettham
MJS Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Nandansons Charitable Foundation
New York State Council on the Arts
Newbond Capital Management
Charles O'Donnell
Oak Foundation
Nickolai Olchanski
Sylvia Paas
Passkey Incorporated
Pat LaFrieda Meat Purveyors
Edward V. Piccinich
Matthew Pincus
Robin and Nicholas Politan
Reavis Page Jump LLP
Mr. Michael Reiff
The Related Companies
Jane Richards
Ritz Carlton Hotel- Nomad
Joanne Rodgers
Royal Bank of Scotland
Sakana Foundation
Laura Schindelman
Scintilla Foundation
Screen Door Philanthropies
Shake Shack
David Shapiro
Ms. Kendra Simes
SL Green Realty Corp.
Catherine So
Scott Solish
David Solomon
Preeti Sriratana
Sarah Steinberg
Felipe Steinbruch
Seymour Sternberg
Sundance Square
Amanda Taylor
Paul Teti
The Cynthia L. & William E. Simon, Jr. Foundation
The Hayden Harman Foundation
The Kuehner Brothers Foundation Inc.
The Leon J Simkins Charitable
The Morris A. Hazan Family Foundation
The Tessler Family Charitable
The Zide Family Foundation
Thompson Family Foundation
Daniel Tobin
Allison Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Amy and Anthony Tutrone
UAP Production
Union Square Hospitality Group
Universal Television LLC
Susan Unternberg
Van Beuren Charitable Foundation
Venetian Las Veg Corp Pmt
Ursula Von Rydingsvard
Kevin Wang
Lawrence West
Wise Rock Media
The Witkoff Group
Arthur Zeckendorf

$5,000 - $9,999
Adam Alpert
Olga Armer
Stacie Arpey
Atlas Real Estate Partners
Babbitt Family Charitable Trust
Babo Botanicals/Expanscience Laboratories
Steven Berkson
Betterment LLC
Bright Funds Foundation
Federica Burelli
Alvina Buxani
Chen Chen
Heather Chun
Corinne Clemente
Columbia Property Trust
Eden Cooper
Daffy Charitable Fund
Douglaston Development
Elemis USA
The Ettinger Foundation, Inc.
EVA Nosidam
Flatiron Dental
Flatiron Wines & Spirits
Alex Foster
Michael & Adena Friedman
Jeannie Gaffigan
Gifted Youth LLC
Rashmi Gill
Noah Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Glosserman
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Richard Gropper
Kathryn Hall
Mr. Matthew Harris
The Heyday Foundation
John Perez Locations INC.
Kathy Kermian-Leicht
The Kestrel Foundation
Russell Kivler
Dan Kwon
Jerry Lee
Leon Polk Smith Foundation
Andrew Lessman
Nicholas Lettire
Lisson Gallery
Leslie Spira Lopez
Carolina Lupo
Pradeep Mahtani
Jennifer Manguino
William Martini
Ms. Agnes Marton
Debra Mathew
Thomas May
Merchants Capital
Mr. Marc Mezvinsky
Braxton Midyette
My Pen Ran Out
Nagpal Family Fund
Kimberly Osnoss
Yung Park
Penguin Random House
Mr. Enrico Prodi
Robert & Jane Toll Foundation
Jeffrey Romley
Michal Rosenn
Ripton Rosen
Rudin Management Company, Inc.
David Rutenberg
Dustin Santjer
Mark Schoenholtz
Marie and Mark Schwartz
Angelica Semmelbauer
Janet Silverman
Betsy Smith
Cynthia and Ken Solis Yi
Straus Family Foundation
Julia Stringer
Studio Institute
Suraj Sujanani
Patricia Sun
Mr. Sal Taibi
Alexandra Tailer
Mina Takayanagi
The Community Preservation Corporation
The Liu Family Foundation
The Miami Foundation
Genevieve Theodorakis
Dennis Trunfio
Van Dyke Family Foundation
Nina Vascotto
Vetted Wellness Management
Vineyard Brands
Vineyard Brands
David Welsh
Jacqueline Wulwick

$1,000 - $4,999
2D Photo Production LLC
400 Park Avenue South
9th Degree Productions
Abner Rosen Foundation
Anand Krishnamurthy and Jaya Ramesh
Christoph Aigner
Alvin & Louise Myerberg Family Foundation
J Dean Amro
Anbau/Flatiron House
Eric Anderson
Keith Anderson
Douglas Apple
Rachel Aschalew
Assembly Films
Dawn and Clive Baillie
April Bang
Giulienne Bartolome
Sherwin Belkin
Sherwin and Mary Belkin
Dan Berger
David Berliner
Peter Bittenbender
Roger Bittenbender
Diane Blanchard
Paisley Boney
Rosanne Braun
Lauren Brooten
Jennifer Brown
Lucy Bugea
Curt Burwell
Michael Buser
BWF Foundation
Donald Capoccia
Mark Carges
Center for Craft
Rafael Cestero
Emily Chen
Alex Chi
Ms. Sheree Chiou
Doris Choi
Kathleen Chopin
Agnes Chu
Dan Chung
City of Aspen
Luke Clemente
Andy Cohen
Larry Cohn
Chris Colliniates
Paula Cooper
Vince Coppola
Mr. John A. Crawford III
Tyler Creamer
Barbara Curley
Ms. Katie Cusack
Andy D`Amico
Mr. Gordon Davis
Alice De Callatay
Judith De Felice
Luis Delgado
Ms. Josee Deroy
Steven Desmond
Marc Desrosiers
Orrin Devinsky
Dickinson's Brands Inc.
Barry Disman
Abigail Disney
Dan Domb
Sue Donoghue
Dorothy Dehner Foundation
Matthew Earl
Edith and William Landau Foundation
Erica Eng
Ernst & Young LLP
Heather Evans
Brian Falahee
Kirsten Feldman
Fidelity Charitable
Kaitlin Filley
Pamela Fiori
John & Laura Fisher
Jeff Flug
Danyll Foix
Max Fram-Schwartz
Mr. Barry Friedman
Ms. Suzanne Frye
Tracee Fultz
Maria T Galeno
Galerie Lelong
Tracey Gamble
Stephen Glascock
Ian Glastein
Goldman Sachs
Aaron Goldstein
Good Company Pictures LLC
Penny Gorman
Rose Gorski
Katherine and James Graham
Suzanne Graves
Francis Greenburger
Diane and Marc Greenwald
Nigel Greig
Doug Grossberg
Tina Gupta
Ms. Veronica Hackett
Judy Hamilton
Phillip Han
Clark Hanrattie
David Harris
Daniel Hartstein
Henry Luce Foundation
HG Vora Capital Management
Robert Insolia
Ava Jacobi
Valerie Jarrett
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Michele and Geoff Kalish
Kenneth Kamins
Amy Kates
Katie Keenan
Ann Kendall
Kirsten Kern
Tina Kim
Roy Kim
Yao King
King David Tacos
Kinship Partners
Lee Kruter
Nicholas Lamplough
Barry Langer
Karissa Laramie
Alexandra Larschan
Brad Lau
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Grace Lee
Holly Leicht
Lendlease Group
Sandy Leong
Lichten Craig Architects
Alex Liu
Sheila Lopez
Dipika Luthra
Rob Lynch
Stephen Mack
Carol MacKinnon Fox
Madison Green Condominium
Nandini Mani
Lindsay Martuscello
Ted Mathas
Paul McCaffery
Sarah McCann
Nancy Meyer
Mike's Hot Honey
Lynden Miller
Alan Miller
Gifford Miller
Gail Miller
Mark Miller
Audrey Miller
Janet Milo
Barbara & Mark Mitchell
Michael Mo
Victoria & John Molenda
Monadnock Development
Barbara & Doug Morea
Anastasia Morozova
MSG Entertainment Group
Angela Mun
Henry Myerberg
Steven Nadel
Ms. Cherrie Nanninga
Thomas Naporano
Ravi Naresh
New York Community Trust
NFL Films
James Nguyen
Vin Nucatola
Vibeke Olson
Nicky and Demian Ordway
Clarence Otis
James Panichella
Yukari Pass
Linda Pellegrini
Charles & Roberta Pennino
PitchBook Data
Jonathan Pressman
Brooke Kamin Rapaport
Michael Ravitz
Christopher RIzzo
Robert Roblin
Tony Roncalli
David Rosner
Mary Rozell
Mr. William Rubenstein
Ms. Mary Sabbatino
Lily-Hayes Salzberg
Michael Samuelian
Sani Family Foundation
Jeanne Savitt
Robert Savitt
Maryn Schiffmiller
Lois Segel
Vance Serchuk
Michael Shanahan
Grace Shanon
Mr. & Mrs. Anna Marie & Robert Shapiro
Jesse Sharf
Siegel Foundation
Cynthia Simon
Kellie Sirna
Small Door Vet
Albert Solecki
Roy Sommerhalter
Misung Son
Charles Song
Jody Spiro
Lynn Stefanelli
Ms. Cynthia Stern
Karen Su
Rachel Sumers
Michael Sussman
Szenberg & Okun PLLC
Brian Talbot
Tanner Holmes LLC
Gil Tenzer
The Ergo Baby
The Nature Conservancy
Todd Snyder
Mitchell Truwit
Elizabeth Tyndell
Karen Varadi
Marshall Wace
Mat Wambua
Robert Wang
Warburg Pincus Foundation
Paul Weimer
Aaron Weiner
Adam Weinstein
Marc Weisman
Victoria Weiyi Hsu
Mr. Aaron Welsh
Wien Family Fund
Charles, Helen, and Sandy Wilkes
Joanne Wilson
Linda Wisnewski
Ben Withnell
Jessica Wong
Maxwell Wu
Minsun Yoo
Peter Zagorin
Akram Zaman
Mark Zauderer
Phillip Zhang
Jay Zhou
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Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom
Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom, Narrated by Brooke Kamin Rappoport