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Meet Our Pollinators

Jun 7, 2021 | Sustainability

Meet Our Pollinators


When we think of pollinators, we often think of bees, but they are not the only species pollinating the plants in Madison Square Park. Did you know that flies, hummingbirds, and beetles are important pollinators, too? It’s true! As they travel from flower to flower in search of food, each species helps move pollen, fertilizing the flower so that it can grow fruit or seeds. 

Without pollinators, we would lose all of the blooming plants in the park, and one-third of the food we eat would be at risk. 

Bees are the most important pollinators, but over 100,000 invertebrates and over 1,000 mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians act as pollinators as well. 

Flies, which most of us think of as pesky nuisances, are great pollinators because they are active in the park when it is still too cold for bees. They also keep working on wet and windy days when the bees take time to rest. 

The Ruby-throated hummingbird, Archilochus colubris is the only hummingbird found in eastern North America. While it is a rare sight in the park, you might catch sight of one using its long, thin bill to drink nectar from flowers, covering its face with pollen in the process. 

While not the most effective pollinator, butterflies are a beautiful sight to see fluttering in the park. We love spotting the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus. Look for them drinking nectar from red or pink flowers––their favorite!

Many species of beetles can be found in our park. “Mess and soil pollinators” like the Twice-stabbed Stink Bug, Cosmopepla lintneriana, have an interesting method of pollinating: they eat and use the restroom within a flower’s petals, transferring pollen. 

Now that you know why each of these species are important factors in keeping our park healthy and green, help us spot them using iNaturalist and join our Pollinator Week Bioblitz. Each observation will help us better understand how to protect pollinators and their habitats. 

Thank you to our sponsor: Eataly.

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