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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Dedicate a Flower

Madison Square Park , NY 2021
Dedicate a Flower

Madison Square Park blooms year-round with tens of thousands of vivid flowers. With a tax-deductible donation, you can dedicate flowers in the park in honor of a loved one. Our Horticulture team will plant flowers of your choice, and we’ll inform the recipient that you’ve given a gift in their name. Wherever in the park you see daffodils, spanish bluebells, or hydrangeas, you will know that your dedicated flowers are among them!

Locations for plantings cannot be specified. No plaques will be placed in the park.

Daffodil ($50)

Daffodils are the official flower of New York City. With 43 varieties, an array of white, green, and pink daffodils can be found blooming in our gardens from February through April. Our daffodil collection was first planted as part of the Daffodil Project, a city-wide remembrance program to honor the victims of September 11—and the origin of their status as the city’s official flower. The species is native to the meadows and forests of southern Europe and North Africa. They are often the first wild flowers to appear in the spring and are used in festivals around the world to celebrate the end of winter.


Spanish Bluebell ($100)

Spanish bluebells are a May favorite in Madison Square Park. In 2011, over 12,000 Spanish bluebells were installed throughout the park’s perennial gardens. These flowers continue to grace our gardens in a sea of blue each spring. Among the gardens are several rare cultivars including the pink blooming ‘Dainty Maid’ and white blooming ‘White City’ which provide bright contrast within the plantings. This species originates from northern Africa and Western Europe.


Astilbe ($250)

The Astilbe genus contains at least 18 perennial species native to Asia and North America. These spring blooming perennials are abundant in our gardens providing billowing plumes of white, pink, purple, and red flowers in the month of July. They are perfect companions for all of our park shrubs.


Rose ($500)

The beauty of a rose is renowned worldwide. Roses have their own unique meanings known as the language of flowers. Red roses symbolize eternal love, orange varieties are the symbol of passion, peach and coral roses are used to express friendship, and dainty pink roses symbolize appreciation. Roses begin to bloom in early June in Madison Square Park and some continue throughout the summer, sending out new flushes of blooms when night temperatures are cool. 


Hydrangea ($1,000)

An American garden classic, Madison Square Park’s hydrangeas bloom from June until August. The park features over 350 hydrangea plants on the grounds, creating a vibrant summertime cloud of white, pink, purple, and pale blue flowers. The plant’s woody stems and globe-shaped blooms inspired the public garden designer Lynden Miller to establish perennial plantings at Madison Square Park in 2002. Among the over 75 species of hydrangea native to countries all over the world, most are grown as shrubs, while a few varieties grow as climbing vines or trees.


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