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Art Talk – Aruna D’Souza

April 26, 2023 | 6 - 7 PM

Art Talk – Aruna D’Souza

Art Talk 4.17.23 (2)

Join us for a seminar-style presentation and dialogue with art writer and critic Aruna D’Souza on the Redbud lawn in Madison Square Park to discuss Shahiza Sikander’s outdoor exhibition, Havah…to breathe, air, life.

D’Souza writes about modern and contemporary art; intersectional feminisms and other forms of politics; and how museums shape our views of each other and the world. Her work appears regularly in, where she is a member of the editorial advisory board, and she is a contributor to The New York Times. Her writing has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal,, ARTnews, Garage, Bookforum, Frieze, Momus, Art in America, and Art Practical.

The program is free and open to all. To view the page for the upcoming Eileen Myles Art Talk, click here. For the upcoming Laura Raicovich Art Talk, click here. Seating is limited and first come, first serve. Registration kindly requested:


America/New_York 04/26/2023 06:00 PM 04/26/2023 07:00 PM Art Talk – Aruna D’Souza Aruna D'Souza writes about modern and contemporary art; intersectional feminisms and other forms of politics; and how museums shape our views of each other and the world. Madison Square Park Add to Calendar
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Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom
Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom, Narrated by Brooke Kamin Rappoport