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What’s Happening in the Park
Meet the Associate Board: Regina Warga
Recently, we sat down with Regina, a native New Yorker, to discuss their connection to the park and why they decided to dedicate their time to the Associate Board.
Art on Tour
One of the questions we often hear at Madison Square Park Conservancy is “what happens to the commissioned works of art following their stay in the park?” The answer lies in an informal network of nonprofit institutions — museums with campuses, sculpture parks, public gardens, and public art programs.
Quality of Life Resources
Below, please find contact and relevant information for how to report quality of life issues within our neighborhood.
Mad. Sq. Eats Update
Mad. Sq. Eats was a 5-year concession agreement between NYC Parks, Urban Space, and Madison Square Park. This agreement has come to an end. Please stay tuned for…
This is Your Park
As an independent non-profit, we rely entirely on the support of our community to keep our park clean and green for everyone to enjoy. Become a Mad. Friend, join our Art Council, or learn about other ways to give to your park today.