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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet the Associate Board: Nina Vascotto

Jun 19, 2024 | Community, Support

Meet the Associate Board: Nina Vascotto

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What is the MSPC Associate Board? Launched in 2014, our Associate Board engages residents and enthusiastic supporters of the park to act as ambassadors for our favorite urban oasis. These individuals play a key role in promoting and supporting the park while tying the Conservancy’s efforts to businesses and community groups in our neighborhood.

Recently, we sat down with Nina, a New Yorker for over ten years, to discuss their connection to the park and why they decided to dedicate their time to the Associate Board.


Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I have lived in New York City for the last ten years. My entire family now lives in the city across the upper west side. My fiancé and I live ten blocks north of my brother and sister in law and 20 blocks south of my sister, parents, and 99 year old Italian grandmother. My first internship in Manhattan was at a property around the corner from the park and for the last three years I have been brought back to the park with my job at ICONIQ Capital. 

Why do you love Madison Square Park?
Even though it is a small park, the landscaping is so well done that when you step inside you instantly feel as though you are surrounded by nature. I am so grateful to have it as a spot to meet friends, colleagues, or just to take a moment to step back in the city. Given my crazy schedule I am a big walker and frequently find that walking meetings allow you to focus on the conversation so I take advantage of the park to do these in. 

How did you get involved with the Associate Board?
I was first introduced to the Conservancy through my real estate group Urban Land Institute. When I came back to the area with my current role I remembered the organization and was interested in learning more. 

What’s your favorite part of being an Associate Board member?
In my prior real estate roles and volunteer organizations my work was focused on properties in New York City. Now I cover the entire country and was feeling far away from the city I call home. I recognized how much I took advantage of the park when I was in our New York office and thought it was a perfect project to give back to my city again.  

Last but not least, what is a fun fact about yourself?
My entire family is so blind that we won an all expense trip paid vacation from 1-800-contacts!

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