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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Toula!

May 10, 2024 | Community, Dogs

Meet Toula!

Unnamed (5)
unnamed (6)

Introduce us to Toula. 

Her name is Toula. She is a tri color havanese.  

How long has Toula been visiting Madison Square Park? 

She started coming to the small dog park as soon as she was cleared to do so a little over a year and a half ago. She will be two this summer and has been coming since the minute she was cleared to play with other dogs.  On her first few trips to the dog park as a puppy she was timid and did not know how to go on the hill.  It has been so great for her socialization.  Over time she became confident and happy to be there playing with al of her friends. We go at the same time every day so she is very familiar with most of the dogs and their owners

What are some of Toula’s favorite things to do when she visits the park?

Her favorite things to do is run up and down and around the hill.  She also likes to wrestle and play with all her friends.

Does Toula have any friends in the park? 

She has many many friends and they are all super cute don’t want to mention any names cause wouldn’t want to leave anyone out.

If Toula could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, what would it be?

If Toula could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, she would say I hope you enjoy the park as much as I do!

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