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Thank You Madison Square Park Conservancy Volunteers
Thank You Madison Square Park Conservancy Volunteers

Since last May, Madison Square Park Conservancy volunteers have spent 225 hours working in the Park’s gardens! Our horticulture team is so grateful for this dedicated group of individuals who give their time to our urban green space. We have spent the last year working diligently on woody shrub pruning to create more space for air to circulate and create a healthy environment for the park’s plants.
The entrance at 23rd and Broadway was a big project, including pulling loosestrife and euonymous to create space for geraniums, iris, salvia, and more. These projects couldn’t have been completed without the help of our volunteers. They are always learning about new plants and new methods of caring for them. Throughout the summer months of 2022, our volunteers kept the horticulture exhibition in continual bloom by carefully deadheading the finished flowers on a variety of cut flower species. Deadheading of hostas and roses was also a weekly occurrence.
Even in the winter months, when most of the park is dormant, volunteers assist with holiday decorations and pruning. Having extra hands and friends to talk to made hours fly by and friendships for years to come.
If you see our volunteers in the park, please stop and say hello! Madison Square Park Conservancy is so proud and grateful to all volunteers, past and present! Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into our urban oasis!