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Go Public Gardens Week
Go Public Gardens Week

From May 12–21, 2023, gardens across the Americas will be opening their doors for visitors in celebration of Go Public Gardens Week! A public garden is an institution that maintains plants for the purposes of public education and enjoyment, in addition to research, conservation, and higher learning. Madison Square Park Conservancy is a proud member of the American Public Gardens Association. We are thrilled to join other public botanical gardens, arboreta, cemeteries, zoos, historic homes, urban greening organizations, natural areas, and parks in celebration of these beautiful places of respite.
Take advantage of the beauty of spring and the refreshing warm weather by visiting your favorite public garden this week. Buildings all over the country will be displaying green lights this week in honor of all of the wonderful aesthetic, health, and environmental benefits that gardens provide.
For more information and an interactive map of participating gardens, click here.