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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Cooper

Jan 31, 2023 | Dogs

Meet Cooper

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Introduce us to Cooper. 

Cooper is a three-year-old mixed breed. He is mostly German Shephard and Labrador Retriever and has some Boxer, Chow Chow, and Golden Retriever in him. His parents adopted him when he was three months old. Cooper’s original name was Lane, but his parents, who are from Upstate NY, renamed him Cooper after Cooperstown. 

How long has Cooper been visiting Madison Square Park?

Cooper visited Madison Square Park the very first day he was adopted. Before he was old enough to play with other dogs, his parents would stand outside the dog run and hold him so he could peek over the fence and watch the other dogs play. 

What are some of Cooper’s favorite things to do when he visits the park?

Cooper’s favorite place is Jemmy’s Dog Run. He loves to play fetch, chase his friends, and run up and down the hill. In the summertime, he enjoys Poochinis from Shake Shack. 

Does Cooper have any friends in the park?

Cooper has many friends whom he enjoys playing with. He met his best friend Marshall, a chocolate lab, in the dog run when he was a tiny pup. He’d like to give a “bark out” to Jax, Bailey, Nala, Maeby, Bodhi, Myla, Isabelle, Lucy, Sammy, and Bear. 

If Cooper could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, what would it be?

There are so many beautiful trees in Madison Square Park—it’s actually an arboretum. The next time you chase a squirrel up a tree, take time to admire its beauty! Also—remember always to scoop your poop and don’t feed the wildlife! 

Has Cooper been enjoying Jemmy’s Dog Run since it reopened?

Yes—Cooper visits the dog park twice a day. He especially loves the flowing water in the summertime.

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