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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Learning More About the Park’s Birds with NYC Audubon

Jan 4, 2023 | Ecology, Sustainability

Learning More About the Park’s Birds with NYC Audubon

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We’re excited to announce that we will be teaming up with our neighbors at NYC Audubon this year to learn as much as we can about the birds of Madison Square Park—and we invite you to join us! 

NYC Audubon has worked to protect birds and their habitats for over 40 years. They lead conservation science initiatives that extend from the rooftops of Manhattan to the beaches of the Rockaways. 

As part of our partnership, experts from NYC Audubon will explore Madison Square Park throughout the year to help identify the 100+ bird species that can be spotted in the park. They will help our team learn more about which birds are migratory, and which call the park home all year. By learning more about the park’s birds, we can better maintain the park’s habitats and native food sources to ensure that they thrive. And all findings will be included in the Conservancy’s Wildlife Guide along with information about the park’s pollinators, bats, and other wildlife.

Additionally, free programs will allow parkgoers to join the experts on tours of the park to spot various birds for themselves and learn about their conservation efforts. Stay tuned for tour dates, as well as more information on a series of lectures that will take a deep-dive into the important role birds play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem, and how we can all work together to protect Madison Square Park’s birds for years to come.

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