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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Lulu

Oct 4, 2022 | Dogs

Meet Lulu

Lulu 1
Lulu 4
Lulu 3
Lulu 2

Introduce us to Lulu.

Lulu is a six-month-old Cavapoo born in Oakville, Iowa.  She arrived in New York City on July 7.  After arriving at LaGuardia Airport, we immediately introduced her to Madison Square Park as we knew we would be regulars at this exceptional greenspace located a couple of blocks from our home. Since arriving to New York she has been spending time in the city, on Long Island, and on many business trips with her owners!

How long has Lulu been visiting Madison Square Park? 

Since July 2022, but her owners have been visiting for the past year-and-a-half, admiring the pups in the park and anticipating the opening of the new dog run. 

What are her favorite things about the park when she visits? 

She loves dogs and children so it would not be unusual to see her sitting on a bench watching the kids on the playground from afar, or sitting on top of the hill in Jemmy’s Dog Run. I would be remiss to not mention her love of watching/chasing the squirrels and birds but never catching them.

Does Lulu have any friends in the park?  

She is friendly with all the dogs at the park but gravitates more to other poodle mixes and dachshunds!

If Lulu could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, what would it be?  

Take advantage of this beautiful space. It is not only great place to expend some of my extra puppy energy, but my owners have taken advantage of the exhibitions and events—not to mention important public service announcements like learning about the spotted lanternfly and how we can help.

Has Lulu been enjoying Jemmy’s Dog Run since it reopened this August? 

She loves it!  When she is in town, you can typically find her there twice a day—once in the morning after her walk, and once in the evening before she goes to bed.

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