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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Summer Native Plant Garden

Aug 16, 2022 | Horticulture

Summer Native Plant Garden

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Each season, Madison Square Park features a pop-up native plant garden, highlighting a different group of native plants that are best-suited for that time of year. Here you can learn about seasonal native plants and see them in all their glory. Whether you are interested in incorporating native plants into your space for the first time, or are already a native plant expert—there is something in the gardens for everyone!

These collections will give you a sense of how you can create your own beautiful landscape, rooftop, or window box while providing a service to our ever-important pollinators. Native plants help restore the diverse ecosystem that was once here, and provide food sources and habitat for local wildlife.

Our summer display is on view by the Reflecting Pool, and features Ceanothus americanus and Rubus odoratus for structure. Both of these species can handle varying conditions including sun and shade.

Additionally, you’ll find several species that support pollinators. Asclepias tuberosa supports the larvae of endangered monarch butterflies. And Allium cernuum—our native nodding onion—provides food for the hairstreak butterfly.

We also have Callirhoe involucrata, also known as wine cups, on display. Just as their name implies, they feature floating pink cups of bright pink-red that grace their flowing foliage.

And last but certainly not least is Opuntia humifusa—a native cactus! This delightful prickly pear is a favorite of many pollinators who love the bright yellow flowers that dot the cactus pads.

We hope you’ll stop by our Summer Native Plant Garden the next time you’re in the park, and join us in our effort to add more native plants to our city. For more information, download our Guide to Restoring Native Plants in NYC.

(Photo Credit: Mark Gallucci)

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