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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Associate Board Member Michal Rosenn

Jul 11, 2022 | Community

Meet Associate Board Member Michal Rosenn

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Throughout the year, Madison Square Park will be highlighting some of our amazing Associate Board Members. Their contributions and work as park ambassadors help to ensure that the park remains clean, green, beautiful, and appreciated all year long.

Today we are featuring Michal Rosenn. Here’s some more about Michal, in her own words:

Since moving to the neighborhood 12 years ago, nothing has established itself as a keystone of my life quite like Madison Square Park. The park is an oasis where my my family, my friends, and I can wander, stroll, rest, read, and simply soak in all the life, art, and peace of New York City.

And what makes the park so special is that I know my own experience is shared by so many others: the office workers having lunch, the families watching their puppies in the dog run, the kids zipping by on their scooters. Whether you’re sitting on a bench, wandering along the meandering paths, or tangoing to live music by the fountain, the park belongs to all of us. It is an equalizer—a gem to be shared by everyone, no matter who we are outside its gates.

Serving on the Associate Board gives me an opportunity to support the things that make the park such a treasure. It lets me be part of the park’s incredible, innovative art program that injects world-class art into our daily commute; part of the horticultural and wildlife programming that connects us urban dwellers to the nature around us; and part of the community that supports and spreads the word about the greatest park in New York City.

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