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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Maggie

Jun 15, 2022 | Community, Dogs

Meet Maggie

Maggie MSP PNG
Maggie MSP 4
Maggie MSP 3 (1)
Maggie MSP 2

Introduce us to Maggie. 

Magnolia (aka “Maggie”) is an 11-year-old Chocolate Labrador Retriever. She was born on a farm in West Virginia, but transitioned to city life at 10 weeks old. She is named after the chocolate cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery—although she has never had one because chocolate is a big doggy no-no. Maggie currently lives in Boston, but has lived in and visited New York City countless times over the past 10 years, and considers both cities her home. Maggie’s big heart, full body wiggles, and tail wags have led her to become a therapy dog. As an honorary Eagle, she visits Boston College at exam time for snuggle study breaks.  

How long has Maggie been visiting Madison Square Park? What are her favorite things about the park when she visits?

Maggie has been a regular at Madison Square Park since she was six months old. Her absolute favorite thing about the park is visiting Shake Shack for a Pooch-ini. She also loves chasing her ball in the dog run and laying on a blanket munching on a bison bone from the Greenmarket.  

Does Maggie have any friends in the park?

When she’s not eating or sleeping, her life revolves around playing with her ball. So while she’ll say a quick hello to her fellow furry friends in the dog run, you’ll typically find her dropping the ball at someone’s feet waiting for a throw.  She likes to be all-inclusive, and shares her joy of fetch with any person who will indulge her. Maggie is also good friends with anyone at Shake Shack who gives her a dog biscuit while she’s waiting for her Pooch-ini.

If Maggie could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, what would it be?

Enjoy the moment and everything the park has to offer. In the middle of bustling NYC, Madison Square Park offers a green oasis that allows for lounging on the grass, playing fetch in the dog run, and eating hot dogs and ice cream with a view of the Empire State Building.  It’s a dog’s heaven—and people are allowed too.

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