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Meet Sadie

Mar 14, 2022 | Community, Dogs

Meet Sadie

Sadie Doorstep
Sadie Glasses
Sadie Walking
Sadie In Park

Introduce us to Sadie.

Sadie is a 10-year-old Anatolian Shepherd and Akita mix who, through her combination of beauty, grace, and unmistakable ‘it’s my world you just live in it’ manner, has earned the sobriquet “Queen of the Dog Park” 

Sadie moved to New York from Boston in 2019 and, needing a new domain to replace the Boston Public Garden (her former ‘front yard’), chose Madison Square Park.

As befitting a queen, in the old dog park she would go to the high ground and hang out. Visitors could always find her at the uppermost level of the benches that enclosed the stately trees, gazing regally out over her domain, and occasionally policing unruly behavior. She certainly earned the title ‘Her Serene Highness, Queen Sadie’.

Sadie tends to interact with very few dogs, as she’s self-contained. The consistent exception is strapping, young males, who are treated with a degree of flirtatiousness that belies her late-middle age. Sadie still has it!

How long has Sadie been visiting Madison Square Park? And what are her favorite things about the park?

Sadie has been visiting the park for three years. She likes the set-up of the temporary dog run and the mulch, but wishes there was a high spot for her to stand on in the temporary dog run.

Does Sadie have any friends in the park?

When it comes to dogs, Sadie doesn’t have friends as much as fans and ladies-in-waiting.  Among them are Boo—a two-year-old Doberman Retriever who Sadie first met when she was eight weeks old—and Roo, who adores her without restraint. As far as people are concerned, however, she does have a lot of fans! Everyone loves her, and she accepts everyone’s love with the dignity befitting a queen.

To see Sadie excited, all one has to do is offer her a treat. But be certain to hold up your hand and make her ‘patty cake,’ since even a queen should show proper form when being gifted. And afterwards, tell her “party’s over” so she knows that there are no more treats forthcoming.

If Sadie could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, what would it be?

If Sadie could talk, she would tell visitors that Madison Square Park is a lovely oasis in the middle of Manhattan. Oh, and not to ride bikes, skateboards, or scooters past the dog run—illegal motion in the backfield is not to be tolerated, and will be met with loud barking!

Is Sadie excited for the redesign of Jemmy’s Dog Run?

For Sadie, this remains to be seen! She currently loves the mulch in the temporary dog run, but is looking forward to the redesign. There will be hills in the new dog run for Sadie to stand at the top of and look out on her fans, so she’s excited for that.

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