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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Walter

Oct 18, 2021 | Dogs

Meet Walter

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Introduce us to Walter.

Hello! My name is Walter (or Walt or Walty for short). I’m an 8 year old Shorkie (Shih-Tzu and Yorkie mix), who gets mistaken for a puppy all the time. There’s something about the pep in my step that leads all the “park people” to pet me as I pass each bench. My tongue prefers to be outside of my mouth– it might be a little too big!

How long has Walter been visiting Madison Square Park? and what are his favorite things about the park?

My big brother Jack (a Golden Retriever) and I were relocated to Manhattan last fall. After a lifetime of living in the suburbs we were scared of the adjustment to the concrete jungle. On our first day in NYC, we went to the park to explore and found Jemmy’s. It’s been my favorite place ever since. 

Has Walter made any friends in the park?

I love to hang at the big dog park with the bigger dogs, like my brother Jack. After Jack passed away in June, the park has been a great way for me to keep meeting and playing with other dogs. Sometimes I do a few laps with familiar and new dog friends, but you can usually find me on a bench hanging out with the humans. I love their attention.

If Walter could tell the visitors of Madison Square Park one thing, what would it be?

The park is amazing in all weather and seasons– you just need the right gear. 

Is Walter excited for the redesign of Jemmy’s Dog run?

I can’t wait for the redesign of Jemmy’s Dog run! It’s my favorite place in the park to play, and I’m excited to keep making friends there! (I know Jack would have loved it, too.)

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