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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

The UN Climate Report Released: What it Means for Our Park

Sep 20, 2021 | Sustainability

The UN Climate Report Released: What it Means for Our Park

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In August 2021, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its Sixth Assessment Report. In this report, hundreds of scientists confirm that human induced climate change is impacting climate and weather patterns in every region around the world. 

We, as a global community, must take action to reach net zero carbon emissions by ending fossil fuel extraction, reducing methane emissions, protecting natural carbon sinks, and increasing access to renewable energy. 

Sadly, the impacts we currently experience are irreversible, and without intervention will only worsen in time. In Madison Square Park, we can expect to experience more extreme weather—heat waves, more frequent and intense storms as well as periods of drought. Around the world, regions are increasingly likely to face wildfires, hurricanes and sea level rise. 

Carbon sinks, like our park, are in danger and losing their ability to naturally absorb carbon. 

While this report is alarming, the findings are not new. Scientists explain that global temperatures have increased each decade since 1850 and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are the highest they’ve been in 2 million years. 

While our community is small in comparison to the rest of the world, we can do our part to protect our park and the planet from future warming. 

Through the Conservancy’s sustainability initiative, our staff is working hard to reduce the greenhouse gasses emitted from operations by changing procedures, purchasing equipment that relies less on fossil fuels, and reducing waste. We also tirelessly protect the park’s carbon sink. Madison Square Park’s trees save over 54 tons of carbon from entering the atmosphere each year! The same amount of carbon is output by 12 cars, driven for one year. 

We understand that environmental preservation is a shared responsibility and will provide resources to help residents and businesses in the community reduce carbon emissions and protect NYC’s green spaces. 

This effort needs your participation. Subscribe to our sustainability newsletter to stay updated on upcoming programs, and learn how you can join in to help reduce the community’s carbon footprint and protect our ecosystem to keep the park and planet healthy and green.

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