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Summer Annuals

Aug 23, 2021 | Horticulture

Summer Annuals

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Our summer annuals are in full bloom! Located in front of Seward and Conkling Monuments, this display showcases a colorful display of flowers that are favorites amongst many. 

This season, we chose some of the brightest blooms from South America at Seward Monument. It’s hard to choose a favorite in this colorful planting but here are a few top picks. Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’ is a colorful pink grass even when not in flower. During the fall, it graces us with small plums of airy flowers. Angelonia angustifolia is a hybrid from Mexico often referred to as summer snapdragon. This annual can be found in many shades of pink, purple, and white but our red variety Angelonia ‘Archangel Cherry Red’ is a show stopper with continuous blooms.

At Conkling Monument, we have a more subdued pallet of pink, white, and purple flowers. One of our favorites is Alyssum ‘Easter Bonnet Deep Pink.’ This blooming ground cover has a blanket of fragrant flowers that attract bees and butterflies. Lantana ‘Luscious Grape’ is another no maintenance blooming beauty. These plants will bloom even on the hottest of days and their globe-like flowers have a lemon scent.

All these herbaceous plants do all that they can to bloom and seed before fall frosts as they do not return year after year. Annuals are a favorite for many gardeners as they are fast growing and bloom almost continuously throughout the summer months. Annuals are a great way to add a splash of color to any perennial backdrop. These displays are planned far in advance with our green team working with growers as early as August to ensure a curated collection of blooms for next spring’s enjoyment. 

We hope on your next walk by these monuments, you’ll feel a sense of joy and hope as you take in these colorful blooms and fragrant smells.

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