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Lawns Closed Today
  | Art Deinstallation in Progress
Lawns Open    Lawns Closed

Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Letters to the Trees from Eataly

Apr 26, 2021 | Horticulture

Letters to the Trees from Eataly


Our friends at Eataly joined us in celebrating the park’s trees for the Letters to the Trees program. As sponsors of the Sustainability Initiative, Eataly’s support helps us give our trees the love they deserve. Read their letter:

Ciao trees of Madison Square Park,

We just wanted to say grazie – thank you – for being right outside our doorstep.

Thanks for giving us a peaceful moment during our workdays, during
lunch breaks and after-work aperitivo. Your branches remind us of
Italia and transport us home whenever we walk under your canopy.

Thanks for setting an example for us: when you change with the seasons,
we change with the seasons. Inspired by your natural evolution, we source
all of our ingredients from local farms that respect the seasons, too.

Let’s face it – you’re the best neighbor we could ask for. From the beauty of your
fresh spring blooms, to the shade you offer in the hot summer months, to your
picturesque fall foliage and the magic of your branches on frosty winter days,
we are truly lucky to be able to walk among you just by crossing the street.

Grazie di cuore – thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!




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Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom
Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom, Narrated by Brooke Kamin Rappoport