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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Cotton

Feb 23, 2017 | Community, Dogs

Meet Cotton


Introducing Cotton, an 8-year old Maltese. Cotton’s Mad. Friend mom gave us the low down on this super cute pup:

Introduce us to Cotton.
Cotton is an approximately 8-year old Maltese from Metropolitan Maltese Rescue, a nonprofit that does a great job matching dogs with new homes that are the right fit. She is only 7 lbs and loves being the center of attention. Fortunately, she’s incredibly well-behaved and travels on the subway, in cabs, on planes, and has even ridden the Hampton Jitney, to be right there with the action.

How often does Cotton come to the Park, and what does he like to do there?
Cotton comes to the Park (ideally daily, but she hates rain and snow, and refuses to even walk around the block on those days). At the Park, she LOVES to see and chase squirrels – she probably has dreams about catching one someday (I’m careful and make sure she doesn’t get too close though).

Also, she’s had the dog biscuit from Shake Shack and really enjoyed that (not all in one sitting)! When we are about a block or two away from the Park, she gets really excited and starts running. She runs surprisingly fast for such a small dog. Like her human, she is more of a sprinter than distance runner, and her top running speed is the same!

What are some of Cotton’s favorite things?
In addition to the Shake Shack dog biscuit, Cotton loves the 3 Ts: Treats, Toys, and Tummy rubs. Her favorite treats include Smart Bones and anything chicken or peanut butter flavored. She does not like fruit or vegetables or Milk Bone (often the stores along 5th Avenue, south of the park, have Milk Bones and ask if they can give her a treat, but she spits them out!). She’s very intuitive and will hold out for treats – when she realizes she’s not getting any more, she eats her dog food. Her favorite toy is a soft red ball and she loves to play fetch (and is good at it). If she likes you, she will roll over for a tummy rub. At night, Cotton usually sleeps on top of a big floor pillow that (appropriately) says, “love”.

Does Cotton have any particular dog buddies or favorite areas to play the Dog Run?
Cotton loves all people but does not love all dogs… she has no interest in being in the dog run. She probably didn’t meet too many nice dogs growing up. Now that she’s a senior dog, her habits are pretty well formed!

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