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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet TJ!

May 31, 2017 | Community, Dogs

Meet TJ!

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Introducing TJ, a 6-year old Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. TJ’s Mad. Friend owner gave us the lowdown on this super cute pup.

Introduce us to TJ!
TJ is a 6 year old Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (a Toller for short). We got him from a breeder in Rochester, NY. He is field trained to retrieve waterfowl from the field or the water and is used actively every year on the Eastern Shore of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay.

How often does TJ come to the Park, and what does he like to do there?
TJ visits the Park on average 3-4 times a day. In winter, he likes to play in the snow.  On hot days he likes to pay in the Reflecting Pool (even though he knows he’s not supposed to) .

What are some of TJ’s favorite snacks? Places to sleep in the apartment? Favorite Toys?
TJ will eat anything. He is always on the prowl for something to eat. Oddly, he likes almonds and apple cores. He helps us recycle organic waste that way.

TJ has several favorite places to sleep. He has a dog bed both in the living room and in the upstairs bedroom. He and the cats have divided the apartment in half. He gets the upstairs and shares the living room with the cats. The cats get the downstairs bedrooms. It’s best when they all respect the lines of demarcation, but sometimes there’s a mix-up. His favorite toys: any ball or other object he can retrieve.  It’s in his blood.


Does TJ have any particular dog buddies or favorite areas to play in the Dog Run?
Rollers aren’t the most sociable breed, so we generally spend our time in the other parts of the park on our walks.

Anything else you want us to know about TJ!
TJ is a water dog. He will plop himself in any body of water he can find, whether it is a lake or pond or a mud puddle. you can’t keep him out! TJ is happiest when he is working. He loves to do tricks and retrieve.  He takes his job seriously. TJ is truly a pack animal.  He is happiest when he is around his pack, but sometimes he likes to guard the upstairs quietly by himself. He is not standoffish, he just isn’t a golden retriever—very different personalities indeed.


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