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Meet Tasha

Mar 12, 2018 | Community, Dogs

Meet Tasha

Tasha 3

Introducing Tasha, whose Mad. Friend owner, Violet Foo, gave us the lowdown on this playful Mad. Sq. Dog!

Introduce us to Tasha

Tasha is a 4-year-old Havanese. Havanese dogs are known for their engaging personalities, their almond-shaped eyes, and their soft hair that makes you happy to snuggle with them – which is good because they are known as “Velcro” dogs, i.e. dogs that never leave your side.

How often does Tasha come to the Park, and what does she like to do there?

Tasha visits the Park almost every day – sometimes several times a day.  It is her “go to” walk. She does not like to walk in the rain, but once she gets to the Park she forgets that it is raining and is happy to frolic. She loves to play in the fresh snow. She also loves sitting on a shady bench in the heat of the summer. She loves meeting other dogs – some that she knows from the Park and some from day care.  She loves it when other dog peeps find her enchanting.

What is Tasha’s favorite snack?

Tasha is indiscriminate when it comes to food. We try to feed her healthy food, but must be ever-vigilant as she scarfs down things on the street.  Her favorite treat is an ostrich bone from the farmers market. And anything with duck.

Does Tasha have any particular dog buddies or favorite areas to play in the Dog Run?

Tasha love the gravel pits in the Park but she absolutely loves the Shake Shack. She always wants to get in line in the hopes that we will eat there and if that is not on our agenda, loves to do clean-up duty in the area.

Anything else you want us to share about Tasha? 

Tasha knows that she is very lucky to live so near a wonderful Park and wishes that all dogs had such fortune.  And to anyone who recognizes her after being profiled in the newsletter she wants to welcome belly rubs from all.

Read Tasha’s Letter to the Park here:


Dear People of Madison Square Park,

My name is Tasha.  I am a dog – a Havanese – the National Dog of Cuba.  And yes, I can dance a mean Mambo.  No seriously, Havanese were trained as circus dogs because we can balance very well on our back legs – making me the perfect dance partner.  Ok – maybe I am a little short about 15 inches high. Sigh.

I love Madison Square Park. I love the hustle and bustle and all the dogs that visit the park. I love meeting other dogs – some of them I know from the Park or from doggy daycare near the park and some seem to just be visiting.  I love meeting other dogs’ peoples who tell me that I am very cute, especially when they see me dance around. I love running around Mommy’s legs and getting my leash tangled up with my dog friends. I am all about connections;-)

I visit the Park almost every day. Sometimes several times a day. When it is raining and I don’t want to go for a walk – I still like to visit the Park – I just want to be carried there.  When it has snowed and I want to play in the snow – we visit the Park to find clean snow. (I don’t mind dirty snow but Mommy prefers me to play in pristine, spotless snow.) In the summer when it is very hot, we like to sit on a shaded bench and watch the world go by.

I love, love, love the smells from the Shake Shack and keep trying to convince my Mommy to open an account there for me.  Instead I have to settle for visiting it with my peeps and doing a thorough sweep of the area around the Shack to keep the park clean.

My favorite treat is to chew on ostrich bones that my Mommy brings home from the farmers’ market.  And I like anything with duck.  In addition to my dance moves, I am also known for how tough I am on toys.  If it is described as indestructible – I can usually dismantle it in about 20 minutes. That’s why Mommy takes me to the Park – to help me expend some of that energy that she laments.

I am really glad that we live so near Madison Square Park that it can be a part of my daily routine.  I do have one complaint.  I think you keep it too clean.  I am always looking for things to sniff and eat – but despite an abundance of wonderful smells, I almost never find anything I can actually eat. Please work on that.

I am wishing all the Madison Square Dogs many treats, lots of walks, and most importantly, belly rubs. And I am wishing that all other dogs in the world have such a wonderful Park.


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