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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Meet Roo

Nov 29, 2017 | Community, Dogs

Meet Roo


Introducing Roo, an Australian Cattle Dog mix, whose Mad. Friend owner gave us the low down on this super cute Mad. Sq. Dog.

Introduce us to Roo.
Roo is almost 13 and has the youthfulness of a puppy. He was a rescue that we adopted from Biscuits and Bath over 12 years ago and has been grateful and people pleasing ever since. He was a frequent dog runner in his youth, but age and a new smaller pup has limited his run visits.

When he was six, we got a white-haired Pomeranian, named Mochi who is now almost seven. Mochi adores Roo and Roo simply tolerates her, but he is very protective of Mochi, which leads me to believe he does care about her.

Roo is an Australian Cattle Dog mix which explains his keen herding extinct, especially at the beach where he could be seen circling around the kids when they tried to run into the ocean, and when Mochi tried to do the same.


How often does Roo come to the Park, and what does he like to do there?
Since we live across the street from Madison Square Park our walks begin and end there. We can be seen passing the fountain by Shake Shake every morning afternoon and evening where the dogs try to find leftovers from lunch. Never very successfully, but they seemed undeterred.

Tell us about Roo’s favorite snack?
Roo’s favorite treat is Street food – which he only gets when I’m distracted. Otherwise, he’s on a strict diet of kibble for senior dogs.

Any special tricks Roo can perform?
His favorite trick is when I yell “bang” and he rolls over in a very, slow-motion Shakespearean “death” until I give him the command “alive” when he jumps up tail wagging, knowing a treat is imminent.

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