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Meet Maddy Holt

Sep 11, 2014 | Community, Dogs

Meet Maddy Holt


To begin our Meet the Mad. (Madison Square Park) Dogs series, we were able to spend some time with Maddy and his owner, Carol Holt, who live near the park. They share a remarkable story, including having first met in MSP, and are now both integral members of the Mad. Dogs community.

Can you tell us a little bit about Maddy? How did you meet?
It is actually a bit of a serious story — but it has a happy ending. My son and I were walking through  the park around 11pm a few years back, when we saw some commotion around a dog  in the park. When we walked over we learned that someone had left him in the park, and then we saw how bad of shape he was in — his fur was filthy and matted, and he could barely walk.

My son said we just couldn’t leave him abandoned in the park, so I went with my son, as he carried this poor dog all the way from 26th to 15th street to the 24 hour emergency vet. The vet needed to cut away the severe matting to examine him but they weren’t sure whether Maddy was going to make it. He was diagnosed with eye infections, a heart murmur, and he was severely malnourished and dehydrated.

My son and I  decided to take him home from the vet. I instantly fell in love with him and knew I had to make a difference in his life. My family and I have nourished him back to health, including giving him his 5 medicines a day, and helping him through his other problems such as arthritis, spine issues, congenital dry eye, but his heart murmur has finally settled down. He is now extremely loved and is an important part of our family.

What a remarkable story. How did you settle on his name?
When my son and I initially brought him into the vet, they asked us his name. He wasn’t wearing a collar, so the vet suggested that we give him a name. My son decided to call him Madison after Madison Square Park where we found him, but nicknamed him Maddy because his fur was so matted when we first met.

Do you know what kind of dog Maddy is?
I’m not sure of the breed. The vet thought that he could be a shih tzu or a coton de tulear mix, but he acts like a lhasa apso.

Can you tell us a little about Maddy’s personality?
Because he was previously in an abusive relationship, he can snap and growl out of fear, but deep down inside he is a lover and a total lap dog. He needed the care of someone who understood the abuse he went through and can make sure that he is getting the care and attention he needs. Along the same vein, he has a bit of an emperor complex; he knows he is an elegant dog and can be pretty bossy.

Where is Maddy’s favorite spot in the park?
The entrance where it says “Madison Square Park” at 26th and 5th – he likes to sniff along the daffodils in the springtime.

What is Maddy’s favorite Toy?
I guess I would have to say that I am his favorite toy. Maddy absolutely loves to be cuddled and held, or to curl up underneath your chair. Beyond me — I’d have to say that he loves his bed.

Does Maddy want to share any doggie fashion tips for the last few weeks of summer?
His tip would be to walk slow, walk in the shady parts of the park, and then saunter  back inside to the air conditioning, and sit in his mom’s lap.

What would Maddy’s dream vacation be?
His dream would be to go to Tibet and hang with the chanting monks and curl up in in their laps while they meditate.

If Maddy had to choose between a bowl full of treats or a bowl of his favorite dog food, what would he choose?
Oh, he would definitely choose the treats any day, because he feels that he deserves them.

If Maddy could spend time with any dog, who would it be and why?
Well, he has a girlfriend named Lexie, a neighbor’s dog. In general, he adores females, human and canine — oh, he has another dog girlfriend named Zoe, a havanese. I guess he likes his girls petite and fluffy.

Is there anything else you or Maddy would like to share with the Mad. Dogs community?
He insisted that this interview would be a fluff piece, he didn’t want to dwell on the seriousness of his story.

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