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Lawns Closed Today
  | Art Deinstallation in Progress
Lawns Open    Lawns Closed

Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.


Mar 28 - May 27, 2022

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Mar 28 - Apr 3 | Art

“Brier Patch” Reflection Board

What does education mean to you? Visit the park from 12 PM–2PM and share your thoughts on our Reflection Board.
America/New_York 03/28/2022 12:00 AM 04/03/2022 12:00 AM true “Brier Patch” Reflection Board What does education mean to you? Visit the park from 12 PM–2PM and share your thoughts on our Reflection Board. Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Hort Webinar, Insta (2)

The Naturalist Corner Webinar

Licensed rehabilitator and Urban Wildlife Alliance founder Arina Hinzen joins Conservancy staff to discuss tips for coexisting with urban wildlife.
America/New_York 03/31/2022 01:00 PM 03/31/2022 02:00 PM The Naturalist Corner Webinar Licensed rehabilitator and Urban Wildlife Alliance founder Arina Hinzen joins Conservancy staff to discuss tips for coexisting with urban wildlife. Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

PIP Invite Cover
Apr 11 | Park

Party in the Park

Mark your calendars: Madison Square Park Conservancy’s Party in the Park is returning this year on April 11!Join us for a celebratory evening under the stars…
America/New_York 04/11/2022 true Party in the Park Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Hort Webinar, Insta
Apr 14 | Horticulture

Journey to the Bouquet: NYC’s Budding Florists

Join us as we kick off our Horticulture webinar series with "Journey to the Bouquet: NYC's Budding Florists."
America/New_York 04/14/2022 06:00 PM 04/14/2022 07:00 PM Journey to the Bouquet: NYC’s Budding Florists Join us as we kick off our Horticulture webinar series with Journey to the Bouquet: NYC's Budding Florists. Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Madison Square Park , NY 2021
Apr 15 - May 2 | Horticulture

Letters to the Trees

Join us in the park as we thank the trees for all they provide us with year-round!
America/New_York 04/15/2022 12:00 AM 05/02/2022 12:00 AM true Letters to the Trees Join us in the park as we thank the trees for all they provide us with year-round! Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Copy Of Journey To The Bouquet
Apr 28 | Horticulture

Journey to the Bouquet: Local Growers

Join Candice Howard from Duchess Farms and Chris Losee from Silverpetals Farm as Madison Square Park’s four-part horticulture webinar series continues with Journey to the Bouquet: Local Growers.
America/New_York 04/28/2022 06:00 PM 04/28/2022 07:00 PM Journey to the Bouquet: Local Growers Join Candice Howard from Duchess Farms and Chris Losee from Silverpetals Farm as Madison Square Park’s four-part horticulture webinar series continues with Journey to the Bouquet: Local Growers. Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

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Apr 29 - May 2 | Ecology, Sustainability

2022 City Nature Challenge

Join us for the 2022 City Nature Challenge in Madison Square Park. This international event brings together 443 cities from around the world to gather observations…
America/New_York 04/29/2022 12:00 AM 05/02/2022 12:00 AM true 2022 City Nature Challenge Madison Square Park Add to Calendar


Pollinator Picnic

Join us for a free, family-friendly celebration of all our native pollinators for all that they do to keep the park and the environment healthy.
America/New_York 05/21/2022 11:00 AM 05/21/2022 03:00 PM Pollinator Picnic Join us for a free, family-friendly celebration of all our native pollinators for all that they do to keep the park and the environment healthy. Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Parkgoer PNG Rashmi
May 24 | Community

Community Update

Join us for our Community Update to learn more about the Conservancy, what changes will be happening in the park, and which programming and events are coming up this year, while also getting updates on important community and safety resources.
America/New_York 05/24/2022 06:00 PM 05/24/2022 07:00 PM Community Update Join us for our Community Update to learn more about the Conservancy, what changes will be happening in the park, and which programming and events are coming up this year, while also getting updates on… Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

This is Your Park
As an independent non-profit, we rely entirely on the support of our community to keep our park clean and green for everyone to enjoy. Become a Mad. Friend, join our Art Council, or learn about other ways to give to your park today.
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