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Lawns Closed Today
  | Art Deinstallation in Progress
Lawns Open    Lawns Closed

Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.


Jan 19 - Mar 20, 2022

20220116 MSPC HUGH HAYDEN V6A4041
Feb 2 - Apr 27 | Art

Lunchtime Tour: Hugh Hayden’s “Brier Patch”

Join us for a 15-minute tour of Hugh Hayden’s Brier Patch with Curatorial Manager Truth Murray-Cole every Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Please meet at the reflecting…
America/New_York 02/02/2022 12:00 AM 04/27/2022 12:00 AM true Lunchtime Tour: Hugh Hayden’s “Brier Patch” Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Feb 22 | Art

Story Circle: Artists on Their Art Education

Join Hugh Hayden, Leilah Babirye, Alex Da Corte, Hannah Levy, and Kathleen Ryan as they reflect on the impact of their art education on their practices. By sharing…
America/New_York 02/22/2022 06:00 PM 02/22/2022 07:30 PM Story Circle: Artists on Their Art Education Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

Madison Square Park , NY 2021
Mar 1 - May 31 | Ecology, Sustainability

Spring Scavenger Hunt

After a long hard winter, our favorite species have begun showing themselves in our park. As flowers bloom and bird songs grow more frequent, it’s becoming…
America/New_York 03/01/2022 12:00 AM 05/31/2022 12:00 AM true Spring Scavenger Hunt Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

MSPC HHayden Portrait 072621 185
Mar 15 | Art

Hugh Hayden Speaks on “Brier Patch”

Please join us on the Oval Lawn in Madison Square Park on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00 PM for a conversation between artist Hugh Hayden and Dr. Carla Shedd, Associate…
America/New_York 03/15/2022 06:00 PM 03/15/2022 07:00 PM Hugh Hayden Speaks on “Brier Patch” Madison Square Park Add to Calendar

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As an independent non-profit, we rely entirely on the support of our community to keep our park clean and green for everyone to enjoy. Become a Mad. Friend, join our Art Council, or learn about other ways to give to your park today.
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Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom
Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom, Narrated by Brooke Kamin Rappoport