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Public Art Symposium: Greening Public Art

June 4, 2021 | 9 - 11:30 AM

Public Art Symposium: Greening Public Art

Symposium Speakers Square 3

For its sixth annual public art symposium, Madison Square Park Conservancy invites artists, environmentalists, journalists, and cultural leaders to explore how art today considers and addresses the urgent crises facing our environment, including climate change and concurrent issues of global migration, political turmoil, and food insecurity.

Greening Public Art includes a keynote conversation on nature-based solutions to climate change with Maya Lin; Maria Rodale, Board, Rodale Institute; Bill Ulfelder, Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy in New York; and Edwina von Gal, Founder, Perfect Earth Project. Moderated by Andrew Revkin, Earth Institute, Columbia University. Featured speakers include artist collective Dear Climate with Una Chaudhuri and Marina Zurkow, artists Anita Fields (Osage), Nicholas Galanin (Tlingit and Unangax̂), Allison Janae Hamilton, Tavares Strachan, and Serpentine Curator of General Ecology Lucia Pietroiusti. Sarah Douglas, Editor-in-Chief, ARTnews, will moderate the panel discussion.

Greening Public Art is made possible by generous support from The Henry Luce Foundation.

Leadership support for Ghost Forest and accompanying public programs is generously provided by the Ruth Stanton Foundation.

America/New_York 06/04/2021 09:00 AM 06/04/2021 11:30 AM Public Art Symposium: Greening Public Art Madison Square Park Add to Calendar
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Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom
Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom, Narrated by Brooke Kamin Rappoport