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  | Art Deinstallation in Progress
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Limited lawns are open daily for public use starting at 10 AM through 5 PM, weather permitting for the fall/winter season to allow for reseeding. Lawns are closed on Parade Days and during wet conditions. Learn more about park hours and rules by visiting our FAQ page.

Jacco Olivier: Stumble (2009), Hide (2004), Rabbit Hole (2011), Bird (2011), Deer (2011), Home (2004)

Jacco Olivier 4
Past Exhibition

Jacco Olivier: Stumble (2009), Hide (2004), Rabbit Hole (2011), Bird (2011), Deer (2011), Home (2004)

December 15, 2011 – March 12, 2012
Past Exhibition

Jacco Olivier: Stumble (2009), Hide (2004), Rabbit Hole (2011), Bird (2011), Deer (2011), Home (2004)

December 15, 2011 – March 12, 2012
Jacco Olivier 4

Six painterly animations displayed on screens are imbedded in plant beds and suspended near trees throughout the park in Jacco Olivier’s project. Visitors unexpectedly encounter the works as they provide illuminated coloration during the dark days of the winter season. Olivier is known for melding painting into photography and then into animated film. The artist’s work has a rich-color palette and lavishly-textured style. Beginning with a single image, he introduces subtle alterations with each additional layer through a process of over-painting. After he paints and re-paints an object, Olivier then photographs each stage as stop-motion animation. The resulting work reveals a history of the act of painting and captures hints of a storyline to become a moving painting. Olivier found that realizing this project in public space was “an opportunity to go totally abstract and see things on a molecular level, to change perspective to show an animation in the ground, you really have to look down to see it, which creates a little private moment for the viewer that is free of narrative, subject or meaning.”

Olivier’s exhibition includes six works Hide (2004), Home (2004), Stumble (2009) Rabbit Hole (2011), Bird (2011), Deer (2011) that vary in scale.

Six painterly animations displayed on screens are imbedded in plant beds and suspended near trees throughout the park in Jacco Olivier’s project. Visitors unexpectedly encounter the works as they provide illuminated coloration during the dark days of the winter season. Olivier is known for melding painting into photography and then into animated film. The artist’s work has a rich-color palette and lavishly-textured style. Beginning with a single image, he introduces subtle alterations with each additional layer through a process of over-painting. After he paints and re-paints an object, Olivier then photographs each stage as stop-motion animation. The resulting work reveals a history of the act of painting and captures hints of a storyline to become a moving painting. Olivier found that realizing this project in public space was “an opportunity to go totally abstract and see things on a molecular level, to change perspective to show an animation in the ground, you really have to look down to see it, which creates a little private moment for the viewer that is free of narrative, subject or meaning.”

Olivier’s exhibition includes six works Hide (2004), Home (2004), Stumble (2009) Rabbit Hole (2011), Bird (2011), Deer (2011) that vary in scale.

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Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom
Abigail Deville: Light of Freedom, Narrated by Brooke Kamin Rappoport